What to Expect
What can you expect in initial zoom session
Watch my interview with Nancy, a client of mine, as we talk about the guiding process and many more questions
I know very well that contacting a stranger over the internet can be intimidating. I have been working with people to solve complex issues my whole adult life. There is one valuable thing you would like from this session with me is value for your money, honesty, a result which can be applied, the ability to see where you need help, and solutions to complex problems in your life. This is what I would expect if I was looking for help and that's the angle that I come from when I have clients contact me. I believe that when you put the faith into the energy that's all around me and it's what makes life possible then that attracts what you are longing to find. Many times I learn so much about other people and their perspectives in life that each person is vibrating a life that is so unlike anyone else's, for me it's exciting and such a valuable experience.
As an Intuitive Life Coach, I believe that each day you learn something you hadn't realized before when the mind is open and create the life you want. Bringing awareness to where restrictions or guards have it's grip on your decisions brings empathic understanding. When each day is lead by your working through the inner work, new positive energy is then attracted your way. Always striving to be present in your being, you can overcome obstacles which you never thought you could, it just comes with the new perspective and sweeping out the cobwebs of old programming which no longer serves you. . Contact me today for an initial consultation, and find out more about how I can tailor my services to your needs. Meetings and consultations will be conducted with my zoom account.